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Learning Approach Among Diploma Students in Mechanical Engineering

This study carried out aim to study learning approach types (surface, deep and achievement) that used by mechanical engineering student in Jabatan Kejuruteraan Mekanikal, Kuching Sarawak Politeknik. Nature of association between learning approach types with their academic achievement also be studied. This research sample is consist of as many as 58 mechanical engineering student (DKM, DTP andDAD) semester 2 Jun's session 2011 in Jabatan Kejuruteraan Mekanikal, KuchingSarawak Politeknik. Survey method have been used in this study.
The student managed with a questionnaire form. Study design used in this research is quantitative research. Retrieval research showed that achievement approach is learning approach that is dominant used by mechanical engineering students to all three study programmes studied and this followed by deep approach and surface approach. Deep approach have association with achievement approach but both are mutually exclusive on surface approach. Among all three learning approach type, retrieval research showed that deep approach have association that is more meaningful with academic performance and can nurture attitude on engineering that is more positive and increases achievement in engineering.
Therefore, mechanical engineering students in Jabatan Kejuruteraan Mekanikal, Kuching Sarawak Politeknik is more encouraged use deep approach followed by achievement approach andminimise surface approach usage in their learning process.

Learning Approach Among Diploma Students in Mechanical Engineering (DKM, DTP, DAD) Semester 2 at the Department of Mechanical Engineering, Polytechnic Kuching Sarawak



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Learning Approach Among Diploma Students in Mechanical Engineering